Success in my Habit

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Gamesa India signs order for 54 MW wind power project in Andhra Pradesh

Chennai: Wind Power company Gamesa Wind Turbines has won an order to set up a 54 MW wind power project for a power & utility development company in Andhra Pradesh.

Under this contract Gamesa would be supplying 27 units of 2 MW turbines at Tagguparthi, Andhra Pradesh. The commissioning is scheduled to be completed by May 2014. Gamesa would be responsible for site development, supply & commissioning of the turbines. The agreement also includes a comprehensive Operations & Maintenance (O&M) agreement for 10 years, a statement from the company said.

"With the GBI (generation based incentives scheme) now in place, we look forward to a very promising future," said Ramesh Kymal, Chairman and Managing Director of Gamesa India.

Gamesa is also working on setting up a 46 MW wind power project in the same district of Tagguparthi, Andhra Pradesh for ITC Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division.

The orders come at a time when the wind power market in India is tepid with capacity additions last year falling to 1700MW compared with 3200MW in 2011.Capacity additions, however, are expected to pick up over the next few months after the central government recently reinstated the GBI scheme where companies will be paid an incentive of 50paise for every unit of wind power they generate.

Gamesa India has so far installed more than 900 MW along with managing the operation and maintenance services on these turbines. It also has on hand orders for about 1000 MW, about 600 MW of which will be commissioned this year and the rest carried forward for next year. The company also manages capacity of more than 800 MW under O&M agreements.

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