Secretary, Department of Heavy Industry (DHI), Dr A.R. Sihag inaugurated three Technology Development Projects at IISc Bangalore and Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) Bengaluru recently. He also inaugurated two Technology Development Projects at PSG College of Technology and Scientific and Industrial Testing and Research Centre (SiTARC), Coimbatore respectively.
IISc Bangalore has developed a technology for metal additive printing machine with DHI support. This is niche technology and the development is being done for the first time in India.
An Industry 4.0 SAMARTH UDYOG Centre is also coming up at IISc Bangalore in order to support Indian manufacturing to adopt and assimilate Industry 4.0 technology such as Data Analytics, 3 D Printing, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, robotics machine to Machine Communication, Smarting of Legacy machine.
A Sensor Technology manufacturing / Fabrication facility is also coming up at CMTI, Bengaluru with the help of the DHI. Sensor Technology will help in making products and machines smart through deployment of function specific sensor specially designed for data extraction. Another Facility for Nano technology is also coming up in CMTI that will provide better alternative route for precision manufacturing in strategic sectors.
PSG College Coimbatore along with Industry partners developed Welding Robots, special alloy electrodes, power supply with the support of DHI.
Indigenous technology has been developed at SiTARC by triad of Academia, Industry and Government for development of Smart Submersible Pumping Solutions for Industrial and Water Supply Applications.
Department of Heavy Industry in the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises had launched a pilot scheme in November 2014 for enhancement of competitiveness in the Indian capital goods sector. The scheme is focused on making the Indian capital goods sector globally competitive and give a boost to the Indian economy. The scheme addresses the issue of technological depth creation in the capital goods sector besides creating common industrial facility centers.
The scheme consists of five components which are Advanced Centres of Excellence, Integrated Industrial Infrastructure Facilities (IIFC), Common Engineering Facility Centre (CEFC), Testing & Certification Centre (T&CC) and Technology Acquisition Fund Programme (TAFP).
A Screening Committee of DHI has selected 25 projects which include:
• Development of Shuttle less rapiers looms of 450 RPM at CMTI, Bengaluru
• Additive Manufacturing technology for High Performance Metallic Alloys at IISc, Bengaluru
• Development of Smart Submersible (6 inch) Pumping Solutions for Industrial and Water Supply Applications at SiTARC, Coimbatore
• Development of 5 Cubic Meter Hydraulic Excavator - HEX 400 at HEC, Ranchi
• IIT Madras:
• Development of Orbital Motion Abrasive Cutting
• Development of Multi-station Grinding and Polishing Machine
• Development of 5-axis Multi-tasking Machine
• Development of Direct Drive Machine
• Development of Ultra Precision Micromachining Center
• Development of Low-Cost Machine Tending Robot
• Automation of Grinding Process Intelligence
• Thermal Compensation System for CNC Lathes
• Development of 5kW feed drives and 25kW spindle drives for machine tool
Advanced Centres of Excellence (CoEs):
Eight Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for Technology Development have been established at IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, IISc, CMTI, HEC/PSG College of Technology etc. Technologies have been developed with industry partners in sectors like machine tools, textile machinery, earth moving machinery, metallurgical machinery and welding, submersible pumps.
CoEs at IIT Madras, IISc, Bengaluru, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Sitarc, Coimbatore and HEC Ranchi have already been completed.
Shuttle less rapier looms of 450 RPM developed by CMTI are under testing at the facility of the industry partner at Surat. Development of the rest of the Centres of Excellence at IIT Kharagpur and IIT Delhi is at an advanced stage.
The list of 8 CoEs is as under:
I. CoE at CMTI, Bengaluru by TMMA for development of shuttle less rapiers looms of 450 RPM
II. CoE at IIT, Madras for development of 11 advanced technologies for Machine Tools & Production Technology
III. CoE at PSG College of Technology for development of three Welding Technologies
IV. COE at Coimbatore by Sitarc on Smart Submersible (6 inch) Pumping Solutions for Industrial and Water Supply Applications
V. CoE at IIT Delhi for Textile Machinery
VI. CoE at IIT Kharagpur for Advanced Manufacturing
VII. CoE at HEC, Ranchi for manufacturing Hydraulic Excavator by HEC with institutional support of ISM Dhanbad
VIII. CoE at IISc-Bengaluru with Wipro 3D for design and development of 3 D Printing technologies
A 500-acre world class machine tool park has been established in Tumkuru, Karnataka in partnership with Government of Karnataka. The Park is in the centre of machine tools cluster and will strengthen the output of the machine tools sector. 108 acres of land has already been allotted to 12 companies.
R&D capabilities in Institutions of Eminence are being leveraged to develop cutting edge industrial technologies so that challenges of manufacturing sector emerging from huge imports of high-tech products can be dealt with. India also lags behind in manufacturing Technologies.
These challenges are being addressed through this scheme of DHI that will soon be scaled up and is specifically designed to tackle these challenges.
The manufacturing sector is crucial for the development of the country's economy as the Capital Goods industry contributes about 12 per cent to the total manufacturing activity in India that is about 2 per cent of the GDP. The Government of India has set a target of USD one trillion manufacturing economy in the next five years and to achieve this the sector has to grow at double digits.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
"Believer - Humanitarian - Habit of Success" Sukumar Balakrishnan is the Founder of JB GROUP, a 500 Crore National Organization with over 150 Direct & 1200 indirect professionals operating from 5 major cities in India. Jayalakshmi Balakrishnan Group, a multi-faceted group venturing into, E- Commerce and Import-Export (INNOKAIZ), Retail and Wholesale (JB MART), Food and Beverages (KRISHNA FOODS ), Real Estate (Constructions on sites, Interior scaping, Facility Management)
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Monday, December 30, 2019
At the end of the year 2019, Aadhaar saturation across the country crosses 125 crores
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) announced a new milestone achieved by the Aadhaar project - crossing of the 125-crore mark. This means that over 1.25 billion residents of India have the 12-digit unique identity.
The achievement comes along with the rapidly increasing use of Aadhaar as the primary identity document by the Aadhaar holders. This is evident from the fact that Aadhaar-based authentication services have been used close to 37,000 crore times since inception. At present UIDAI receives about 3 crore authentication requests every day.
Also, residents are more inclined on keeping their details in Aadhaar updated. UIDAI recorded close to 331 crore successful Aadhaar updates (biometric and demographic) till date. At present UIDAI receives about 3-4 lakh Aadhaar updates request every day.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
The achievement comes along with the rapidly increasing use of Aadhaar as the primary identity document by the Aadhaar holders. This is evident from the fact that Aadhaar-based authentication services have been used close to 37,000 crore times since inception. At present UIDAI receives about 3 crore authentication requests every day.
Also, residents are more inclined on keeping their details in Aadhaar updated. UIDAI recorded close to 331 crore successful Aadhaar updates (biometric and demographic) till date. At present UIDAI receives about 3-4 lakh Aadhaar updates request every day.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
More than 1 Crore Houses Sanctioned Under PMAY(U) - Huge Job Opportunities In Construction And Allied Sectors
Shri Hardeep S Puri, Minister of State (I/C) for Housing & Urban Affairs has informed that out of a validated demand of 1.12 crore houses in urban areas, 1 crore houses have already been sanctioned. Further, a total of 57 Lakh houses are in various stages of construction of which, nearly 30 Lakh houses have been completed. Compared to the earlier JnNURM scheme, PMAY (U) has achieved 10 times more in a span of 4.5 years, whereas the earlier scheme had taken 10 years to achieve a significantly less number. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), [PMAY (U)], is one of the largest affordable housing programmes in the world.
Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has informed that the Mission has covered a range of social groups which comprises of around 5.8 Lakh senior citizens, 2 Lakh construction workers, 1.5 Lakh domestic workers, 1.5 Lakh artisans, 0.63 Lakh differently-abled (Divyang), 770 transgender and 500 leprosy patients as of now. Empowerment of women is an inbuilt design of the scheme where the ownership of the house is in the name of female head of household or in the joint name.
The implementation of PMAY (U), has induced a remarkable investment in housing sector especially in the affordable housing segment. The houses sanctioned so far under the Mission involve an investment of about Rs 5.70 lakh crore (US$ 81.56 billion) with Central Assistance of Rs 1.6 lakh crore (US$ 22.89 billion). The Central Government is contributing Rs 1.00 Lakh (US$ 1,430.8) to Rs 2.67 lakh (US$ 3,820.3) for each house under different verticals of the scheme. As on date, nearly Rs 60,000 crore (US$ 8.58 billion) of Central Assistance has already been released.
Presently, works of about Rs 3 lakh crore (US$ 42.92 billion) is ongoing and by the time Mission accomplishes its target of 1.12 Cr houses, the entire activity will trigger an investment of more than Rs 7 lakh crore (US$ 100.16 billion).
The scheme promotes a synergetic partnership of the people and the Governments. In consonance of the Mission Guidelines, States/ UTs are also contributing a substantial amount of Rs 1-2 lakh (US$ 1430-2861) on an average which can go up to Rs 6 lakh (US$ 8,584.9) per house. Beneficiaries are also contributing their share in the range of Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh (US$ 2861.6 to 7154.1) per house.
In order to supplement the additional requirement of providing the Central Assistance, over and above the budgetary support, Government has made a provision for raising Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) to the tune of Rs 60,000 crore (US$ 8.58 billion) of which, Rs 38,000 crore (US$ 5.44 billion) have already been raised and disbursed. Government has also created an Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) in the National Housing Bank (NHB) with an initial corpus of Rs 10,000 crore (US$ 1.43 billion) using priority sector lending short fall of banks/financial institutions for micro financing of the HFCs.
The Credit Linked Subsidy for the Middle-Income Group (MIG) was introduced for the first time in the housing sector with effect from 1 January 2017. The MIG beneficiaries with annual income upto Rs 18 lakh (US$ 0.03 million) are eligible for claiming interest subsidy on their housing loans.
For the MIG, the Government has increased the area of house up to 200 sq. m. This in turn has a significant impact on banking sector and in enhancing the investment in the housing sector. Government has developed a web based real time monitoring system called "CLSS Awas Portal (CLAP)" to ensure people's participation and transparency leading to efficient delivery and minimising grievances.
In addition to this, the construction activity under the scheme has had a huge impact on the other sectors of the economy with a multiplier effect in employment generation. Approximately around 1.20 crore employment has been generated through forward and backward linkages with about 250 auxiliary industries like, steel, brick kilns, cement, paint, hardware, sanitary etc.
Due to investment being made in the scheme, around 568 lakh metric tonne of cement would be required for sanctioned houses; out of which 178 Lakh Metric Ton of cement has already been consumed through completed houses. Around 130 lakh tonne of steel is required for the sanctioned houses; around 40LakhMetric Ton of steel has already been consumed in the completed houses. It also has an impact on livelihood, transport sector, skill development, horticulture, landscape development sector etc.
Government has identified many alternative and innovative technologies through a Global Housing Technology Challenge - India. This will usher a paradigm shift in the construction technology in India and will propel in a host of economic activities.6 Light House Projects are being executed in six states across the country which will act as live laboratories demonstrating innovative, proven construction technologies for speedier and cost-effective construction of houses which are sustainable green, eco-friendly and disaster resilient.
The Ministry has launched angikaar - a campaign for change management. The campaign address and enables beneficiaries to adapt to life transformation that comes with shifting to a newly constructed house. The campaign has also converged with other government schemes like Ayushman Bharat and Ujjawala so that beneficiaries can avail the benefits of these schemes. Currently more than 12 Lakh households have been covered through this campaign which is ongoing and will conclude on January 26th, 2020.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has informed that the Mission has covered a range of social groups which comprises of around 5.8 Lakh senior citizens, 2 Lakh construction workers, 1.5 Lakh domestic workers, 1.5 Lakh artisans, 0.63 Lakh differently-abled (Divyang), 770 transgender and 500 leprosy patients as of now. Empowerment of women is an inbuilt design of the scheme where the ownership of the house is in the name of female head of household or in the joint name.
The implementation of PMAY (U), has induced a remarkable investment in housing sector especially in the affordable housing segment. The houses sanctioned so far under the Mission involve an investment of about Rs 5.70 lakh crore (US$ 81.56 billion) with Central Assistance of Rs 1.6 lakh crore (US$ 22.89 billion). The Central Government is contributing Rs 1.00 Lakh (US$ 1,430.8) to Rs 2.67 lakh (US$ 3,820.3) for each house under different verticals of the scheme. As on date, nearly Rs 60,000 crore (US$ 8.58 billion) of Central Assistance has already been released.
Presently, works of about Rs 3 lakh crore (US$ 42.92 billion) is ongoing and by the time Mission accomplishes its target of 1.12 Cr houses, the entire activity will trigger an investment of more than Rs 7 lakh crore (US$ 100.16 billion).
The scheme promotes a synergetic partnership of the people and the Governments. In consonance of the Mission Guidelines, States/ UTs are also contributing a substantial amount of Rs 1-2 lakh (US$ 1430-2861) on an average which can go up to Rs 6 lakh (US$ 8,584.9) per house. Beneficiaries are also contributing their share in the range of Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh (US$ 2861.6 to 7154.1) per house.
In order to supplement the additional requirement of providing the Central Assistance, over and above the budgetary support, Government has made a provision for raising Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) to the tune of Rs 60,000 crore (US$ 8.58 billion) of which, Rs 38,000 crore (US$ 5.44 billion) have already been raised and disbursed. Government has also created an Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) in the National Housing Bank (NHB) with an initial corpus of Rs 10,000 crore (US$ 1.43 billion) using priority sector lending short fall of banks/financial institutions for micro financing of the HFCs.
The Credit Linked Subsidy for the Middle-Income Group (MIG) was introduced for the first time in the housing sector with effect from 1 January 2017. The MIG beneficiaries with annual income upto Rs 18 lakh (US$ 0.03 million) are eligible for claiming interest subsidy on their housing loans.
For the MIG, the Government has increased the area of house up to 200 sq. m. This in turn has a significant impact on banking sector and in enhancing the investment in the housing sector. Government has developed a web based real time monitoring system called "CLSS Awas Portal (CLAP)" to ensure people's participation and transparency leading to efficient delivery and minimising grievances.
In addition to this, the construction activity under the scheme has had a huge impact on the other sectors of the economy with a multiplier effect in employment generation. Approximately around 1.20 crore employment has been generated through forward and backward linkages with about 250 auxiliary industries like, steel, brick kilns, cement, paint, hardware, sanitary etc.
Due to investment being made in the scheme, around 568 lakh metric tonne of cement would be required for sanctioned houses; out of which 178 Lakh Metric Ton of cement has already been consumed through completed houses. Around 130 lakh tonne of steel is required for the sanctioned houses; around 40LakhMetric Ton of steel has already been consumed in the completed houses. It also has an impact on livelihood, transport sector, skill development, horticulture, landscape development sector etc.
Government has identified many alternative and innovative technologies through a Global Housing Technology Challenge - India. This will usher a paradigm shift in the construction technology in India and will propel in a host of economic activities.6 Light House Projects are being executed in six states across the country which will act as live laboratories demonstrating innovative, proven construction technologies for speedier and cost-effective construction of houses which are sustainable green, eco-friendly and disaster resilient.
The Ministry has launched angikaar - a campaign for change management. The campaign address and enables beneficiaries to adapt to life transformation that comes with shifting to a newly constructed house. The campaign has also converged with other government schemes like Ayushman Bharat and Ujjawala so that beneficiaries can avail the benefits of these schemes. Currently more than 12 Lakh households have been covered through this campaign which is ongoing and will conclude on January 26th, 2020.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Thursday, December 26, 2019
TVS Motor launches NTORQ 125 Race Edition in Nepal
Chennai-based TVS Motor Company launched NTORQ 125 Race Edition scooter in Nepal.
There are various design elements and features like LED DRLs and headlamp, hazard lamp, among others available in the Race Edition.
“Since its launch, TVS NTORQ 125 has become a darling of its Gen Z customers in Nepal,” TVS Motor Company Executive Vice President International Business Mr R Dilip said.
He added that the scooter is built on a rich pedigree of 37 years of TVS Racing, and the Race Edition is launched to celebrate the same.
TVS NTORQ 125 was launched in September 2018 and comes with 124.79 cc engine with the power output of 9.4 PS.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
There are various design elements and features like LED DRLs and headlamp, hazard lamp, among others available in the Race Edition.
“Since its launch, TVS NTORQ 125 has become a darling of its Gen Z customers in Nepal,” TVS Motor Company Executive Vice President International Business Mr R Dilip said.
He added that the scooter is built on a rich pedigree of 37 years of TVS Racing, and the Race Edition is launched to celebrate the same.
TVS NTORQ 125 was launched in September 2018 and comes with 124.79 cc engine with the power output of 9.4 PS.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Panasonic to invest Rs 295 crore in new electrical equipment unit at Sri City
Panasonic Corporation announced its plans to expand its manufacturing footprint in India, with a new factory at Sri City Industrial Park in Andhra Pradesh. Panasonic Life Solutions India Pvt Ltd, the sales arm of Panasonic Life Solutions Company, will be responsible to set the new unit. This will be set up at an investment of Rs 294.6 crore (US$ 42.15 million) and will manufacture wiring devices, electrical wire and switchgear.
This will be Panasonic's fourth unit for manufacturing electrical equipment material in the country. It is scheduled to start production in 2021.
The company said that the Indian economy has been expanding quickly in recent years and estimated that GDP will grow at six per cent a year through 2030, not only big cities but even middle-sized ones are expected to grow in the coming years.
The demand for electrical equipment such as switches, sockets and switchgears are increasing in sync with the increase in construction of office buildings, condominiums and residences. Thus, the decision to set up the new factory by the company was driven mainly by the need to respond to the brisk demand, which would not be met by its existing capacity.
Panasonic has production bases in the country in Haridwar in the north, and in Daman and Kutch in the west, but there is none in the south, which has strong purchasing power and great growth potential.
The new factory at Sri City is expected to give the company better access to the southern market and is planned to start production of wiring devices in 2021. The unit will add fans, switchgear and electrical wire, sequentially. The company also plans to broaden its sales by expanding the product line-up targeted at the middle class, which is expected to grow exponentially in the future.
The new factory is estimated to provide employment to 600 people and will produce 8.6 million units a month.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
This will be Panasonic's fourth unit for manufacturing electrical equipment material in the country. It is scheduled to start production in 2021.
The company said that the Indian economy has been expanding quickly in recent years and estimated that GDP will grow at six per cent a year through 2030, not only big cities but even middle-sized ones are expected to grow in the coming years.
The demand for electrical equipment such as switches, sockets and switchgears are increasing in sync with the increase in construction of office buildings, condominiums and residences. Thus, the decision to set up the new factory by the company was driven mainly by the need to respond to the brisk demand, which would not be met by its existing capacity.
Panasonic has production bases in the country in Haridwar in the north, and in Daman and Kutch in the west, but there is none in the south, which has strong purchasing power and great growth potential.
The new factory at Sri City is expected to give the company better access to the southern market and is planned to start production of wiring devices in 2021. The unit will add fans, switchgear and electrical wire, sequentially. The company also plans to broaden its sales by expanding the product line-up targeted at the middle class, which is expected to grow exponentially in the future.
The new factory is estimated to provide employment to 600 people and will produce 8.6 million units a month.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
France's Safran considers $150-mn aircraft engine repair unit in India
Safran, a France- based group, is planning an investment of US$ 150 million in India in a new aircraft engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) unit to cater for its airline customers, according to the company.
Safran and GE Aviation own 50 per cent stake, each, in the US-based CFM International which manufactures engines for the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 types of aircraft. Currently, around 220 Airbus and Boeing planes in India are fitted with CFM engines. Additionally, there are 485 planes on order from IndiGo, SpiceJet, and Vistara, which will be equipped with these engines and are expected to be delivered over the period of next five years.
Competing with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, CFM International won a US$ 20 billion order from IndiGo to supply engines for 280 Airbus A320neo in June. The company is planning to set up an MRO unit in India and the plans are, currently, being evaluated following the big order win.
Safran answered to queries that, “As a long-standing partner of the Indian aerospace industry, Safran is committed to supporting growth in the Indian market.”
“Given the fast expansion of the CFM fleet in Asia and in India specifically, we are considering the possibility of building a new Safran shop in this region of the world to address the growing MRO needs. This new shop will represent an investment of more than $150 million," adds Safran.
Currently, apart from Air India, which has capabilities for in-house maintenance of aircraft engines, all other carriers send their engines overseas for overhaul and major repairs. A domestic MRO unit will help Indian airlines to reduce costs and save on foreign exchange, besides generating employment for engineers and technicians.
A team of Safran executives visited Air India's MRO facilities in Mumbai a few months ago to check the airline's capabilities. It has been learned that the labour cost in India were half of those in Europe or the US, said Air India executive, and that would make a maintenance unit attractive for other airlines.
Safran Group is discussing issues related to tax and regulatory framework for MROs with the civil aviation ministry. In India, an 18 per cent goods and services tax is applicable to aircraft maintenance jobs and airport operators charge high royalties on units, making the MRO business in India unattractive. An investment decision will depend on favourable policy decisions, it is learnt. Safran declined comment on the issue of tax structure in India.
According to the MRO Association of India, the size of Indian repair and overhaul market is US$ 1-1.2 billion. "More than 90 per cent of business generated by Indian commercial airlines is being carried out overseas by large MRO companies in Singapore, Germany, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia," the association said.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Safran and GE Aviation own 50 per cent stake, each, in the US-based CFM International which manufactures engines for the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 types of aircraft. Currently, around 220 Airbus and Boeing planes in India are fitted with CFM engines. Additionally, there are 485 planes on order from IndiGo, SpiceJet, and Vistara, which will be equipped with these engines and are expected to be delivered over the period of next five years.
Competing with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, CFM International won a US$ 20 billion order from IndiGo to supply engines for 280 Airbus A320neo in June. The company is planning to set up an MRO unit in India and the plans are, currently, being evaluated following the big order win.
Safran answered to queries that, “As a long-standing partner of the Indian aerospace industry, Safran is committed to supporting growth in the Indian market.”
“Given the fast expansion of the CFM fleet in Asia and in India specifically, we are considering the possibility of building a new Safran shop in this region of the world to address the growing MRO needs. This new shop will represent an investment of more than $150 million," adds Safran.
Currently, apart from Air India, which has capabilities for in-house maintenance of aircraft engines, all other carriers send their engines overseas for overhaul and major repairs. A domestic MRO unit will help Indian airlines to reduce costs and save on foreign exchange, besides generating employment for engineers and technicians.
A team of Safran executives visited Air India's MRO facilities in Mumbai a few months ago to check the airline's capabilities. It has been learned that the labour cost in India were half of those in Europe or the US, said Air India executive, and that would make a maintenance unit attractive for other airlines.
Safran Group is discussing issues related to tax and regulatory framework for MROs with the civil aviation ministry. In India, an 18 per cent goods and services tax is applicable to aircraft maintenance jobs and airport operators charge high royalties on units, making the MRO business in India unattractive. An investment decision will depend on favourable policy decisions, it is learnt. Safran declined comment on the issue of tax structure in India.
According to the MRO Association of India, the size of Indian repair and overhaul market is US$ 1-1.2 billion. "More than 90 per cent of business generated by Indian commercial airlines is being carried out overseas by large MRO companies in Singapore, Germany, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia," the association said.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Reforms by boiler division for EoDB
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has permitted self-certification and third-party inspection and certification of boilers with State Governments. Specimen notification under section-34(3) of the Boilers Act 1923 have been forwarded to them to ensure safety of boilers and improve Ease of Doing Business (EoDB). This will benefit a broad spectrum of industries both in the large- and small-scale sector like power plants, chemical plans, refineries, paper plants, steel mills, sugar mills and other process industries.
Rules and regulations are already in place for third party inspection. This has resulted in a simplified and more accessible, user - friendly framework for the administration of the Boilers Act and has also protected manufacturers/users' interests without sacrificing the safety of boilers.
DPIIT has also taken a number of measures to simplify the procedure of inspection of boilers like eleven third party inspecting authorities have been recognized by the Central Boilers Board (CBB) to work in the country employing competent persons to carry out inspection of boilers and boiler components during manufacture and use, in addition to Chief Inspector/ Director of Boilers.
Independent Competent Persons have also been authorized to work in individual capacity under section-8 of the Boilers Act, for in-service inspection of boilers.
Simplified registration of boilers including facility for on-line registration and prescribed time limits for all approvals/clearances under the Boilers Act/IBR has also been implemented.
Self-certification of Boilers has been implemented in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Goa, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.
National and Regional Level Boiler Workshops are continuously being conducted by DPIIT through the National Productivity Council (NPC) to apprise the owners of boilers and of the steps that may be taken to optimize the efficiency of boilers and to popularize the measures for energy conservation.
In the current year nine workshops have been organized and another four workshops will be organized in future. A 5th Examination was conducted through NPC in December, 2018 for recognition of Competent Persons (CPs) for undertaking inspection of boilers. Passing certificates were issued to 61 candidates. 172 CPs have so far qualified for Inspection and Certification of Boilers, on the basis of the 5th examination. A 6th Examination is proposed to be conducted in February.
DPIIT is the Department responsible for administration of the Boilers Act 1923. Boiler division is headed by the Technical Advisor (Boiler) and its functions are to advice the Central Government in all matters relating to administration of the Boilers Act, 1923 and the Indian Boiler regulations that have been framed under the Act. It deals with matters on which direction is to be given to State Governments by the Central Government for carrying out execution of the provisions of the Boilers Act, 1923. Apart from that it also deals with work relating to framing or amendment of regulations for laying down the standards for materials, design and construction of boilers and also for regulating the inspection and examination of boilers. It also evaluates quality management systems and production facilities of various firms in India and foreign countries as Competent Authorities (CAs). Steel makers, foundries, forges, tube and pipe makers and material testing laboratories make use of the CAs in order to cut down inspection delays and increased availability of boiler components without sacrificing safety and quality of boilers and its components.
The Boilers Act was enacted in 1923 to provide for safety of life and property from the danger of explosion of boilers and for achieving uniformity in registration and inspection during operation and maintenance of boilers throughout the country. Up to the year 2007 there had been no major amendments to the Act. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 2007 introduced improvements in the provisions of the law to enhance safety norms to keep pace with developments and changes in the technology of fabrication, testing, inspection and operation of boilers and also ensure uniformity in standards of inspection, expediting inspection and reducing bureaucratic delays by decentralization of inspection of boilers during their manufacture, erection and use by allowing inspection and certification by the independent inspecting authorities.
Secretary DPIIT is the Ex-Officio Chairman and Technical Advisor (Boilers) is the Ex-Officio Member Secretary of the Board.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Rules and regulations are already in place for third party inspection. This has resulted in a simplified and more accessible, user - friendly framework for the administration of the Boilers Act and has also protected manufacturers/users' interests without sacrificing the safety of boilers.
DPIIT has also taken a number of measures to simplify the procedure of inspection of boilers like eleven third party inspecting authorities have been recognized by the Central Boilers Board (CBB) to work in the country employing competent persons to carry out inspection of boilers and boiler components during manufacture and use, in addition to Chief Inspector/ Director of Boilers.
Independent Competent Persons have also been authorized to work in individual capacity under section-8 of the Boilers Act, for in-service inspection of boilers.
Simplified registration of boilers including facility for on-line registration and prescribed time limits for all approvals/clearances under the Boilers Act/IBR has also been implemented.
Self-certification of Boilers has been implemented in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Goa, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.
National and Regional Level Boiler Workshops are continuously being conducted by DPIIT through the National Productivity Council (NPC) to apprise the owners of boilers and of the steps that may be taken to optimize the efficiency of boilers and to popularize the measures for energy conservation.
In the current year nine workshops have been organized and another four workshops will be organized in future. A 5th Examination was conducted through NPC in December, 2018 for recognition of Competent Persons (CPs) for undertaking inspection of boilers. Passing certificates were issued to 61 candidates. 172 CPs have so far qualified for Inspection and Certification of Boilers, on the basis of the 5th examination. A 6th Examination is proposed to be conducted in February.
DPIIT is the Department responsible for administration of the Boilers Act 1923. Boiler division is headed by the Technical Advisor (Boiler) and its functions are to advice the Central Government in all matters relating to administration of the Boilers Act, 1923 and the Indian Boiler regulations that have been framed under the Act. It deals with matters on which direction is to be given to State Governments by the Central Government for carrying out execution of the provisions of the Boilers Act, 1923. Apart from that it also deals with work relating to framing or amendment of regulations for laying down the standards for materials, design and construction of boilers and also for regulating the inspection and examination of boilers. It also evaluates quality management systems and production facilities of various firms in India and foreign countries as Competent Authorities (CAs). Steel makers, foundries, forges, tube and pipe makers and material testing laboratories make use of the CAs in order to cut down inspection delays and increased availability of boiler components without sacrificing safety and quality of boilers and its components.
The Boilers Act was enacted in 1923 to provide for safety of life and property from the danger of explosion of boilers and for achieving uniformity in registration and inspection during operation and maintenance of boilers throughout the country. Up to the year 2007 there had been no major amendments to the Act. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 2007 introduced improvements in the provisions of the law to enhance safety norms to keep pace with developments and changes in the technology of fabrication, testing, inspection and operation of boilers and also ensure uniformity in standards of inspection, expediting inspection and reducing bureaucratic delays by decentralization of inspection of boilers during their manufacture, erection and use by allowing inspection and certification by the independent inspecting authorities.
Secretary DPIIT is the Ex-Officio Chairman and Technical Advisor (Boilers) is the Ex-Officio Member Secretary of the Board.
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Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurates 2nd Edition of "Eat Right Mela"
“The right kind of diet will help to reduce the disease burden in the country”. This was stated by Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare while inaugurating the second edition of the ‘Eat Right Mela’ at Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, here today. He stressed upon the importance of having a Jan Andolan, a peoples’ movement, encouraging people to have healthier diets which will help in reduction of the disease burden in the country.
Dr Harsh Vardhan stated that the Eat Right Mela of FSSAI is a commendable effort and outreach activity for citizens to nudge them towards eating right. “Let the ‘Eat Right Melas’ be part of public gatherings like local melas, community programs etc., so that the citizens would learn about health and nutrition benefits of different types of food, dietary advice by experts, engage in dialogues and conversations with food visionaries and experts, relish the delicious street food, live demonstration of food recipes and have fun and entertainment.
Dr Harsh Vardhan also highlighted that “India, on one side, is suffering from under-nourishment resulting in infirmities such as wasting and stunting and on the other side, there is another critical area of concern to be addressed i.e. obesity, which is apparently the result of excessive consumption of junk food, wrong choices of food, overeating and lack of exercise. At the same time, the rise of diet related diseases suggests that people are eating less healthy food than they were eating a decade ago. In this context, the movement of ‘Eat Right India’ started by FSSAI is a timely initiative”.
The Union Minister launched ‘The PURPLE Book’ a handbook on diets for diseases. The book provides general guidelines for hospitals on suitable diets for common medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, gut disorders and so on in a simple format and has been developed and vetted by experts in the field of food and nutrition. This book is available for free download on
At the event Dr Harsh Vardhan also launched NetSCoFAN (Network for Scientific Co-operation for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition), a network of research & academic institutions working in the area of food & nutrition along with the NetSCoFAN directory, covering detailed information of various heads/Directors and lead scientists of lead and associated partnering institutions. The NetSCoFAN would comprise of eight groups of institutions working in different areas viz. biological, chemical, nutrition & labelling, food of animal origin, food of plant origin, water & beverages, food testing, and safer & sustainable packaging. FSSAI has identified eight Nodal Institutions who would develop a ‘Ready Reckoner’ that will have inventory of all research work, experts and institutions and would carry out and facilitate research, survey and related activities. It would identify research gaps in respective areas and collect, collate and develop database on food safety issues for risk assessment activities. “The need for identify research gaps in respective areas and collect, collate and develop database on food safety issues for risk assessment activities, will be addressed by NetSCoFAN (Network for Scientific Co-operation for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition)”, Dr Harsh Vardhan said.
Dr Harsh Vardhan emphasised the importance of ‘Save Food Share Food’. "Let's develop the habit of not wasting food, and sharing food with those who are needy", he said. At the event, M/s Elan Professional Private Limited (ElanPro) through their CSR program declared to support Indian Food Sharing Alliance (IFSA) members to ensure the food collected is held at optimum temperature, which will help to reduce travel and distribution time under the ‘Save Food Share Food’ initiative of FSSAI. Presently, 84 food recovery agencies are associated with IFSA network under FSSAI.
Dr Harsh Vardhan also handed over 3 mobile food testing vans (CNG enabled) to Shri D N Singh, the Commissioner of Food Safety, Government of NCT, Delhi during the inaugural ceremony.
Smt Rita Teaotia, Chairperson FSSAI; Ms. Preeti Sudan, Secretary, Health & Family Welfare; Dr Shekhar C. Mande, Director General, CSIR; Sh Pawan Agarwal, CEO, FSSAI along with officials of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, FSSAI, corporate partners, representatives from the food industry and NGOs were also present during the inauguration ceremony.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Dr Harsh Vardhan stated that the Eat Right Mela of FSSAI is a commendable effort and outreach activity for citizens to nudge them towards eating right. “Let the ‘Eat Right Melas’ be part of public gatherings like local melas, community programs etc., so that the citizens would learn about health and nutrition benefits of different types of food, dietary advice by experts, engage in dialogues and conversations with food visionaries and experts, relish the delicious street food, live demonstration of food recipes and have fun and entertainment.
Dr Harsh Vardhan also highlighted that “India, on one side, is suffering from under-nourishment resulting in infirmities such as wasting and stunting and on the other side, there is another critical area of concern to be addressed i.e. obesity, which is apparently the result of excessive consumption of junk food, wrong choices of food, overeating and lack of exercise. At the same time, the rise of diet related diseases suggests that people are eating less healthy food than they were eating a decade ago. In this context, the movement of ‘Eat Right India’ started by FSSAI is a timely initiative”.
The Union Minister launched ‘The PURPLE Book’ a handbook on diets for diseases. The book provides general guidelines for hospitals on suitable diets for common medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, gut disorders and so on in a simple format and has been developed and vetted by experts in the field of food and nutrition. This book is available for free download on
At the event Dr Harsh Vardhan also launched NetSCoFAN (Network for Scientific Co-operation for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition), a network of research & academic institutions working in the area of food & nutrition along with the NetSCoFAN directory, covering detailed information of various heads/Directors and lead scientists of lead and associated partnering institutions. The NetSCoFAN would comprise of eight groups of institutions working in different areas viz. biological, chemical, nutrition & labelling, food of animal origin, food of plant origin, water & beverages, food testing, and safer & sustainable packaging. FSSAI has identified eight Nodal Institutions who would develop a ‘Ready Reckoner’ that will have inventory of all research work, experts and institutions and would carry out and facilitate research, survey and related activities. It would identify research gaps in respective areas and collect, collate and develop database on food safety issues for risk assessment activities. “The need for identify research gaps in respective areas and collect, collate and develop database on food safety issues for risk assessment activities, will be addressed by NetSCoFAN (Network for Scientific Co-operation for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition)”, Dr Harsh Vardhan said.
Dr Harsh Vardhan emphasised the importance of ‘Save Food Share Food’. "Let's develop the habit of not wasting food, and sharing food with those who are needy", he said. At the event, M/s Elan Professional Private Limited (ElanPro) through their CSR program declared to support Indian Food Sharing Alliance (IFSA) members to ensure the food collected is held at optimum temperature, which will help to reduce travel and distribution time under the ‘Save Food Share Food’ initiative of FSSAI. Presently, 84 food recovery agencies are associated with IFSA network under FSSAI.
Dr Harsh Vardhan also handed over 3 mobile food testing vans (CNG enabled) to Shri D N Singh, the Commissioner of Food Safety, Government of NCT, Delhi during the inaugural ceremony.
Smt Rita Teaotia, Chairperson FSSAI; Ms. Preeti Sudan, Secretary, Health & Family Welfare; Dr Shekhar C. Mande, Director General, CSIR; Sh Pawan Agarwal, CEO, FSSAI along with officials of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, FSSAI, corporate partners, representatives from the food industry and NGOs were also present during the inauguration ceremony.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Hyatt plans to open 11 new hotels in India by 2020 end
Hyatt Hotels Corporation, a global hospitality firm, looking to open 11 new hotels across India by the end of 2020 as part of its expansion plans in country, a senior company official has said.
The Chicago-headquartered firm currently has 32 hotels across 20 destinations under its eight brands in India - Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt Regency, Hyatt Place, Park Hyatt, Grand Hyatt, Alila and Andaz.
"We plan to open 11 new hotels across the country by end of 2020 as India is a very important growth market for us," Hyatt, Vice President- India operations, Mr Sunjae Sharma said. He added that Hyatt is one of the first international hotel management brands in India which entered the market over 35 years ago with the first hotel under the Hyatt Regency brand in Delhi in 1982.
"The new hotels will be under our three brands -- Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Place and Hyatt Regency," Sharma said.
He further added, hotel which is sited in Gurugram will be under the Grand Hyatt brand and hotels in Vadodara, Jaipur and Bengaluru will come under Hyatt Place brand.
"The hotels at Thrissur, Kochi, Jaipur, Dehradun, Trivandrum and Udaipur will be under the Hyatt Regency brand," Sharma informed.
When asked if the company is also looking at acquisition for future growth, he replied if there is a merit in it then only the company is open to it.
On the business model, it follows in India and about plans in future, Sharma said, "We are mainly into management contract model, but we are also looking at franchise model with select partners in India. We follow the asset light model". He also stated that the company is looking for its expansion in tier II and tie III cities with suitable brands.
"India is a very important market for us. It is one of the top three global growth markets for the company after the US and China and there is a huge scope of growth here as the demand still exceeds the supply," Sharma said.
Company told, the goal of Hyatt India by 2020 is to reduce the water consumption per guest per night by 25 per cent to a 2006 baseline, and by 30 per cent in water-stressed areas.
Hyatt, which was founded in 1957 by Jay Pritzker, is currently present across 60 countries globally, with 18 brands and 875 hotels.
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#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
The Chicago-headquartered firm currently has 32 hotels across 20 destinations under its eight brands in India - Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt Regency, Hyatt Place, Park Hyatt, Grand Hyatt, Alila and Andaz.
"We plan to open 11 new hotels across the country by end of 2020 as India is a very important growth market for us," Hyatt, Vice President- India operations, Mr Sunjae Sharma said. He added that Hyatt is one of the first international hotel management brands in India which entered the market over 35 years ago with the first hotel under the Hyatt Regency brand in Delhi in 1982.
"The new hotels will be under our three brands -- Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Place and Hyatt Regency," Sharma said.
He further added, hotel which is sited in Gurugram will be under the Grand Hyatt brand and hotels in Vadodara, Jaipur and Bengaluru will come under Hyatt Place brand.
"The hotels at Thrissur, Kochi, Jaipur, Dehradun, Trivandrum and Udaipur will be under the Hyatt Regency brand," Sharma informed.
When asked if the company is also looking at acquisition for future growth, he replied if there is a merit in it then only the company is open to it.
On the business model, it follows in India and about plans in future, Sharma said, "We are mainly into management contract model, but we are also looking at franchise model with select partners in India. We follow the asset light model". He also stated that the company is looking for its expansion in tier II and tie III cities with suitable brands.
"India is a very important market for us. It is one of the top three global growth markets for the company after the US and China and there is a huge scope of growth here as the demand still exceeds the supply," Sharma said.
Company told, the goal of Hyatt India by 2020 is to reduce the water consumption per guest per night by 25 per cent to a 2006 baseline, and by 30 per cent in water-stressed areas.
Hyatt, which was founded in 1957 by Jay Pritzker, is currently present across 60 countries globally, with 18 brands and 875 hotels.
#Sukumar #Innokaiz #Gembrio #Taiyangxi #Unmei #Fuehrer
#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Shri Dharmendra Pradhan unveils India's First CNG Bus which can run 1000 Kms in one fill
In a major step towards making India a gas-based economy and making CNG as the eco-friendly option for long distance transport in the country, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Steel, today unveiled India's first long distance CNG bus fitted with composite CNG cylinders, which can travel around 1000 kms in a single fill. The project has been executed by Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) and has been achieved through pioneering design of Type IV Composite Cylinders in buses, replacing traditional very heavy Type-I Carbon Steel cylinders.
Lauding the initiative, Shri Pradhan described it as a milestone in ease of living for the people of country. He said that these CNG buses are being run on pilot basis, but soon they will be scaled on commercial basis. “Delhi has witnessed revolution in shift towards cleaner, gas-based fuels. Over 500 CNG stations are operating in Delhi NCR today and about 12 lakh piped natural gas connections have been provided. Over 1,000 PNG connections are being provided daily in the NCR. Long haul CNG buses originating from Delhi to other locations will further drive this shift towards cleaner gas-based fuels. This will improve overall ease of living of people by mitigating the problem of air pollution, ensuring a cleaner environment and reducing waiting time at CNG stations.”, Shri Pradhan said.
He said that the Government wants to have Green corridor around the national capital, with the buses from here to Chandigarh, Dehradun, Agra and Jaipur running on CNG. Congratulating the agencies involved in the long distance CNG bus fitted with composite CNG cylinders, he said that cost of such cylinders should be brought down, and economies of scale used to make them more popular and acceptable.
Shri Pradhan said that India is not a pollutant nation when compared with many others, but being a responsible nation, the Prime Minister has promised to bring down the country’s carbon footprint. The Minister said that the Government is committed to promote the gas-based economy, and in this regard $100 billion investment is being made in the energy infrastructure. He further said that the Government wants to begin door-to-door delivery of Petrol, CNG and LNG, as is being done for Diesel by Mobile dispenser. The Minister added that LNG will also be added as the transportation fuel. Shri Pradhan said that a pilot project of Hydrogen-blended CNG fuel is already running in the city, and it will soon be scaled up. He said that the Government is promoting the Waste-to-wealth efforts, and all sources of energy will be used to bring down India’s oil import dependency and make environment better.
The introduction of long range CNG buses fitted with light weight composite cylinders has the capacity to revolutionize the fight against air pollution across the nation. Even after shifting of the entire public transport fleet in the national capital to CNG as per mandate of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, inter-state buses coming from other cities to Delhi continued to run on diesel. Delhi Transport Corporation had stopped all its inter-state routes in 2001 due to unavailability of CNG in the neighboring states. CNG buses are on Indian Roads for more than two decades now but due to on-board storage issues these buses are having a range of 200-250 KM per fill only, thus the application of CNG buses in short distance or Intra City Transport only.
Mahindra & Mahindra, & Agility Fuel Solutions of USA have partnered with IGL for this project, involving introducing the new concept of light weight Type IV composite cylinders in buses. These cylinders are 70 per cent lighter than the Type - I (all steel) cylinders which are being used in India currently. The main advantage of these Cylinders is that due to its lighter weight, the number of cylinders can be increased in the vehicle thus creating more storage capacity on-board. The buses which used to carry only 80-100 Kg of CNG with steel cylinders can carry 225-275 Kg of CNG with new composite cylinders. More storage of CNG means more KM range of buses. Buses fitted with Type IV Composite Cylinders have a running range of approx. 800- 1000 KM per fill of CNG.
IGL has procured 5 number of Mahindra's Type IV buses. The Buses would be given to Uttarakhand Transport Corporation (UTC) on lease basis after the launch. These will ply on Inter-city routes from Delhi to Dehradun and will be the first CNG Buses in Uttarakhand. Now with this launch, DTC and other State Transport Corporations can again start their long-haul operations through CNG Buses. In addition, with more capacity of CNG in one vehicle, it is likely that there shall be reduction in queues at the CNG Stations as these buses will not have to come frequently for fuelling.
Apart from purchasing new OEM manufactured Type IV buses, Fleet owners and State Transport Corporations also have the option of retrofitting their existing CNG buses having Type I (Steel Cylinders) with lightweight Type IV Cylinders. Retrofitting with Type IV CNG cylinders is also possible in buses running on other fuels.
This initiative of IGL has the potential of paving way for reduction of buses using diesel as a fuel for Inter City Transport thereby contributing in a major way towards reduction of pollution. This is also a big step towards achieving the vision of making India a gas-based economy and creating green highways.
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#Brainstormautomotive #Sukumarbalakrishnan
Lauding the initiative, Shri Pradhan described it as a milestone in ease of living for the people of country. He said that these CNG buses are being run on pilot basis, but soon they will be scaled on commercial basis. “Delhi has witnessed revolution in shift towards cleaner, gas-based fuels. Over 500 CNG stations are operating in Delhi NCR today and about 12 lakh piped natural gas connections have been provided. Over 1,000 PNG connections are being provided daily in the NCR. Long haul CNG buses originating from Delhi to other locations will further drive this shift towards cleaner gas-based fuels. This will improve overall ease of living of people by mitigating the problem of air pollution, ensuring a cleaner environment and reducing waiting time at CNG stations.”, Shri Pradhan said.
He said that the Government wants to have Green corridor around the national capital, with the buses from here to Chandigarh, Dehradun, Agra and Jaipur running on CNG. Congratulating the agencies involved in the long distance CNG bus fitted with composite CNG cylinders, he said that cost of such cylinders should be brought down, and economies of scale used to make them more popular and acceptable.
Shri Pradhan said that India is not a pollutant nation when compared with many others, but being a responsible nation, the Prime Minister has promised to bring down the country’s carbon footprint. The Minister said that the Government is committed to promote the gas-based economy, and in this regard $100 billion investment is being made in the energy infrastructure. He further said that the Government wants to begin door-to-door delivery of Petrol, CNG and LNG, as is being done for Diesel by Mobile dispenser. The Minister added that LNG will also be added as the transportation fuel. Shri Pradhan said that a pilot project of Hydrogen-blended CNG fuel is already running in the city, and it will soon be scaled up. He said that the Government is promoting the Waste-to-wealth efforts, and all sources of energy will be used to bring down India’s oil import dependency and make environment better.
The introduction of long range CNG buses fitted with light weight composite cylinders has the capacity to revolutionize the fight against air pollution across the nation. Even after shifting of the entire public transport fleet in the national capital to CNG as per mandate of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, inter-state buses coming from other cities to Delhi continued to run on diesel. Delhi Transport Corporation had stopped all its inter-state routes in 2001 due to unavailability of CNG in the neighboring states. CNG buses are on Indian Roads for more than two decades now but due to on-board storage issues these buses are having a range of 200-250 KM per fill only, thus the application of CNG buses in short distance or Intra City Transport only.
Mahindra & Mahindra, & Agility Fuel Solutions of USA have partnered with IGL for this project, involving introducing the new concept of light weight Type IV composite cylinders in buses. These cylinders are 70 per cent lighter than the Type - I (all steel) cylinders which are being used in India currently. The main advantage of these Cylinders is that due to its lighter weight, the number of cylinders can be increased in the vehicle thus creating more storage capacity on-board. The buses which used to carry only 80-100 Kg of CNG with steel cylinders can carry 225-275 Kg of CNG with new composite cylinders. More storage of CNG means more KM range of buses. Buses fitted with Type IV Composite Cylinders have a running range of approx. 800- 1000 KM per fill of CNG.
IGL has procured 5 number of Mahindra's Type IV buses. The Buses would be given to Uttarakhand Transport Corporation (UTC) on lease basis after the launch. These will ply on Inter-city routes from Delhi to Dehradun and will be the first CNG Buses in Uttarakhand. Now with this launch, DTC and other State Transport Corporations can again start their long-haul operations through CNG Buses. In addition, with more capacity of CNG in one vehicle, it is likely that there shall be reduction in queues at the CNG Stations as these buses will not have to come frequently for fuelling.
Apart from purchasing new OEM manufactured Type IV buses, Fleet owners and State Transport Corporations also have the option of retrofitting their existing CNG buses having Type I (Steel Cylinders) with lightweight Type IV Cylinders. Retrofitting with Type IV CNG cylinders is also possible in buses running on other fuels.
This initiative of IGL has the potential of paving way for reduction of buses using diesel as a fuel for Inter City Transport thereby contributing in a major way towards reduction of pollution. This is also a big step towards achieving the vision of making India a gas-based economy and creating green highways.
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