Success in my Habit

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Exports from SEZs rise 17%

New Delhi: Exports from special economic zones grew 17 per cent to Rs 2,60,973 crore during April-December 2011 from Rs 2,23,132 crore during the corresponding period in the previous year, according to a statement by the Export Promotion Council for Export-oriented Units and SEZs (EPCES) on Tuesday.

Total SEZ exports during 2010-11 had grown 43.1 per cent to Rs 3,15,868 crore, Mr Jatin R. Mehta, Chairman, EPCES, said. As on December 31, 2011, investments into SEZs were Rs 2,49,631 crore, while these zones have given direct employment to 8,15,308 people. So far, 584 proposals for setting up SEZs have received the Government's formal approval.

Of this, 381 SEZs have been notified and 148 SEZs are operational as on December 31, 2011.

Mr Mehta said the EPCES has urged the Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, to restore exemption from minimum alternate tax (MAT) for SEZ units and developers.

The imposition of MAT on SEZs has led to a fall in investments, the council said.

The EPCES has also asked the Finance Minister to revamp the EOU scheme by favourably considering the recent recommendations of a Government panel.

The share of EOU/SEZ sector to national exports was 34 per cent during 2010-11.

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