Success in my Habit

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ranbaxy launches cholesterol drug in Australia

New Delhi: Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd has launched blockbuster drug Atorvastatin in the Australian market. The company has introduced the product under the brand name, ‘Trovas' and the drug will be available in bottles and blister packs, through retail pharmacy chains.

Atorvastatin, a cholesterol reducing drug, is the most prescribed statin in Australia and represents the largest patent expiry opportunity ever in the Australian pharmaceutical market with a current market size of approximately $680 million.

The drug company had earlier launched the drug in the US in direct competition to Pfizer's largest selling drug Lipitor.

Commenting on the development, Mr Alex Evans, Managing Director, Ranbaxy Australia said, “Ranbaxy is privileged to be the first generic company in Australia to introduce Atorvastatin. We remain committed to offering the product at an affordable price that will be beneficial to both the Australian healthcare system, and most importantly, to patients in Australia.”

The continent is an important strategic market for Ranbaxy, which entered the Australian market in November 2006.

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