Success in my Habit

Monday, February 20, 2012

US companies keen on joint ventures

Hyderabad: US companies are looking at forming joint ventures with their Indian counterparts in the areas of engineering, information technology, data entry and healthcare, according to Ms Susan Au Allen, President and Chief Executive Officer, the US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation.

Addressing the captains of industry in a programme organised by the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry on the occasion of a US trade delegation visit here on Saturday, she said small companies here could explore the possibility of expanding to the US.

India has the advantage of largest human resource base of English speaking people. However, the US companies were no longer seeking India as a cheaper location for business outsourcing/other activities, she said.

“Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines are cheaper than India. India is moving towards hi-end projects,'' she added.

On the perception of India in the US, Ms Allen said the Americans were now feeling that their jobs were going to India.

The visit of the US delegation was organised by the Fapcci, Hyderabad Management Association and GMRI Technology and Services Pvt Ltd, according to a release.

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