Success in my Habit

Sunday, December 1, 2013

London invites Kerala start-ups

Thiruvananthapuram: Start up in London, develop in India. This is the message from London and Partners, the metropolis’s official promotional organisation, to start-ups based in Kerala.

Set up business there and get back home to develop it. Size does not matter for aspiring entrepreneurs, says Jeff Cao, Head for Asia and Pacific, London and Partners.

In fact 95 per cent of the businesses hosted by the agency have strength varying from 10 to 15, according to Gautam Sehgal, Chief Representative for India.

There are 131 direct flights operating to London every week from various cities in India, notes Cao.

So companies here are best positioned to take advantage of facilities that the city offers, he adds. Aspirants need just to plug in at office space made available for liberal terms.

The agency will also help with finding necessary capital for investment and growth - be it in the form of angel funds, venture capital or private equity.

Cao said his agency is looking to invite aspiring entrepreneurs ‘who have a compelling story to tell’ to use the platform London offers and reach out to the rest of the world.

Some of Kerala-based companies have already proceeded to set up a perch there. Apollo Tyres, which has set up a marketing office, is one of them.

The city is inviting investors from varied sectors, including information and communication technology and finance, who want to do business with the rest of Europe.

Research and development and intellectual property are fast catching up as major opportunities. Pharmaceuticals and life sciences are but a logical extension to these.

Known as the publishing capital of the world, London offers investment opportunities in this sector as well, says Cao. He calls them creative industries. Fashion technology, media and films also answer to their specifications.

Renewable energy in all forms is another area that the city invites investments in. It aims to cut down its emissions by 50 per cent by 2020.

Students from India will be encouraged to conduct research in wind energy technologies. Offshore wind and solar farms are also priority areas.

Cao says that the city is promoting electric vehicles in a big way. There is renewed emphasis on creating entire corridors where charging facilities are available.

Fresh from the success of hosting the Olympics, the city is bracing to host the 2017 world championships in athletics, he added.

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